Deep Sea Diving – In A Wheelchair

Deep sea diving… In a wheelchair.  While researching for a keynote speech I am delivering on Accessible Tourism, I came across this Ted Talk and wanted to share it with you.  Deep sea diving….. in a wheelchair is a wonderful talk delivered by Sue Austin, a performance artist who also just happens to use a wheelchair.  It includes a video of her deep sea diving – as the title says, in her wheelchair.

It was filmed at TEDxWomen in December 2012.  You can watch it here: – I highly recommend it.

When Sue Austin got a power chair 16 years ago, she felt a tremendous sense of freedom — yet others looked at her as though she had lost something. In her art, she aims to convey the spirit of wonder she feels wheeling through the world. Includes thrilling footage of an underwater wheelchair that lets her explore ocean beds, drifting through schools of fish, floating free in 360 degrees. (Filmed at TEDxWomen.)



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